QuadReal Property Group

Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, QuadReal Property Group is a global real estate investment, operating and development company. QuadReal manages a $44.2 billion portfolio spanning 23 cities across 17 countries. They also manage BCI’s $6.7 billion and growing mortgage program.

QuadReal, managing a vast global portfolio, exemplifies strategic real estate investment success, operating across numerous countries.


QuadReal’s international team and investment portfolio were both growing rapidly. With this growth came an increased volume of mission-critical information to manage and a desire to streamline collaboration across geographies.

The leadership team at QuadReal sought a software solution that would:

  • deliver a single source of information about their investment pipeline and owned assets;
  • reduce time spent performing administrative tasks; 
  • keep all team members informed about important milestones; and,
  • handle the complexities of their global business while still being easy to use.
The team at QuadReal actively manages over CAD 6 billion investment opportunities in the pipeline. We found that the workflow tracking of traditional deal management solutions lacked the sophistication to support our complex global operations. They didn’t allow us to fully utilize our proprietary data during the investment process on a consistent global basis.

– Lucy Fletcher, Managing Director, International Portfolio Management, QuadReal 

After spending almost a year researching available solutions, QuadReal selected Origin to be their deal management solution.

Origin Solution

QuadReal now manages their international deal pipeline entirely within Origin, with over 80 team members investing through equity and debt, across multiple real estate sectors, in dozens of countries.

Altrio’s Data Team facilitates the automated extraction of data from offering memorandums, reducing the time QuadReal’s team spends on data entry. Reporting that was previously prepared manually is now automated. Stakeholders across the organization, now have access to accurate and up-to-date information about the status of deals in process.


Most importantly, QuadReal now has a secure and standardized central repository of information about their investing activity, which serves as a source of powerful insights to aid investment decisions.

With Origin, we now have a dynamic and scalable platform that supports our growth in global investment activity. It was a great opportunity to partner with the Altrio team to develop a solution that facilitates real-time collaboration and decision-making across geographies and teams. 

– Graham Russell, Vice President, International Real Estate