Efficient Deal Screening for Debt Investors | Altrio

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Debt investors face unique challenges when screening potential lending opportunities. With a constant influx of new opportunities, it can be time-consuming to sift through every deal that comes their way. That's why it's crucial for debt investors to streamline their screening process, so that they can focus on the opportunities that best align with their portfolio goals. In this article, we'll provide some actionable steps that debt investors can take to improve their deal screening process, free up valuable time, and increase their chances of closing the best deals.

Create a Structured and Consistent Deal Screening Process

To ensure that the team is focusing on the right deals, it's important to create a structured and consistent deal screening process that identifies the factors that can make or break a deal. Deal management software is a powerful tool that can do just that. Origin provides users the ability to templatize their approach to screening and adhere to a well-defined process, ensuring that key risks are identified early and nothing falls through the cracks. Whether that means validating the market, understanding asset performance or collecting information on the borrower, debt investors are able to move forward (or pass) with conviction. 

Use Proprietary Data to Drive Screening

Every new deal that comes across a debt investor’s desk can act as a valuable proprietary comp to inform future lending decisions. However, retrieving this data and seamlessly integrating it into the screening process can be time-consuming. Using relevant data from previously underwritten deals, your active portfolio, or market comps, Origin assists with screening new deals through its powerful deal "comparison" feature, which allows you to easily compare deals with similar features such as key tenants, location, or asset type, providing necessary insight.

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Identify and Remove Bottlenecks

To ensure that your team is working as efficiently as possible, it's important to identify and remove bottlenecks in the deal screening process. With high deal volumes, it can be challenging to pinpoint exactly where and why things are slowing down. 

Deal management software can provide valuable insights into each step of the process, including who's sourcing or underwriting deals, how long deals stay in each stage, and at what stage deals are falling out of the pipeline.

With the help of automated pipeline reporting and task tracking, busy teams can streamline their processes and quickly identify and fix any issues. By building a culture of continuous improvement, deal teams can optimize their investment management processes and move faster than the competition.

The Power of Simplicity

An efficient deal screening process is crucial for debt investors to focus their time and resources on lending opportunities that align with their portfolio goals. Leveraging technology platforms like Origin by Altrio can help systematize and create structure, utilize market and proprietary data to drive accuracy, and identify bottlenecks for quick resolution. By being more strategic and utilizing powerful tools, debt investors can optimize their deal pipeline and make informed lending decisions with confidence. 

Contact us today to see how Origin can help your team drive success.